New World Computing, the series’ original developer, led by the one and only Jon Van Caneghem, relinquished the baton to Ubisoft (in the producer’s role), and Nival Interactive, Black Hole Entertainment, Limbic Entertainment, and Virtuous succeeded one another as competent and talented developers. In the meantime, the Heroes franchise evolved and changed owners, publishers, and developers. Set in the enthralling world of Enroth, the home of supreme might and high magic, for almost two decades it masterfully weaved the tales of bloody succession wars, betrayals, strife, age-long interracial struggles, until it had become one of the true household brands of the gaming world, and dully deserved its own blazing star on the gaming walk of fame. If you belong to a younger generation of gamers, then you perhaps aren’t fully familiar with Jon Van Caneghem’s Heroes of Might and Magic series and the lasting impact it made on the genre of turn-based strategies.